Friday, July 25, 2008

His first library book

Betu has always been fond of books and I've tried to keep a good stock of books all the time. In fact if someone would ask me what to get for him I would say "books!" without even thinking for a second.

He has a huge collection now. And I plan to buy some more that go with his current age and interests.

Yesterday he came back with this book from his school library and he was mighty excited about it. So I read it to him at bedtime. It was about a girl who ventured out of the house, without telling her parents, to her friends house. So when the friend's mommy came to know about this she took the girl back to her house saying her parents would be looking for you. So the moral of the story was to teach the kids to never go out alone and without asking parents permission.

In the end they had an exercise where I was to try and make Betu remember the phone number along with telling them what to do in case they get lost. Betu knows both of our cell numbers since long so first part I had already dealt with. But not the second part. So I tried to explain to him what he should do in case he gets lost (which I sincerely hope he doesn't ever!). He nodded as if he understood and I am hoping he did and shall remember it too. I will try and keep reminding him of it from time to time as well.

So I quite liked the book and the concept and now both of us are looking forward to the next book.

~~ Keep Smiling! ~~

Sent on my BlackBerry®.


  1. hmm...books..nice habit!

  2. What a smart book! Ansh too loves his books,especially the Noddy books!

  3. that so cute...
    but books are really gud habbit:)

  4. Books from school library form such fond memories , I get nostalgia thinking about that even now :) Good you recorded his first book here :) BTW ..I bought some books for him :)

  5. very nice book and great idea!!

    i dont even remember last time i stepped into the library! :(


