Master Chef!
For quite some time Anirudh has been wanting to use the knife o cutting up fruits etc all by himself. And since last month I allowed him to use it under my eagle eyes! Before anyone starts rolling their eyes at me for letting a child who is not even 4 yet to use a knife, here are the pictures of how he uses it. In these pics he is slicing up a guava.So now can I hear some "yeah..this is fine!" from ye all? .....Good :D
P.S. Just to clarify the glove may look dirty, but it is not. It was freshly washed when Betu was using it. Those brown marks are the stains that are not going off it even after tough scrubbing!
he looks like he's handling it with such finesse! master chef is right!!
You go, mom! What a bright idea! I am going to use it with Ninni when she grows up. In my opinion, letting them use the knife safely and under supervision enhances their self-confidence.
Oh, and I wan' some guava too :( And some Jamuns. And Lagda Aam. And Sitaphal. Boo Hoo Hoo!!!
"""Just to clarify the glove may look dirty, but it is not. It was freshly washed when Betu was using it. Those brown marks are the stains that are not going off it even after tough scrubbing!"""
As if we are going to question you about those marks. ha ha ha ha
Thank God, you do not get to see my cutting board!!!!
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